Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Using Beeline to connect to HiveServer 2

This article will guide you on how to connect Apache Drill with Hive.


1. Hadoop should be installed.
2. Hive should be installed

1. Goto the path where hive is installed.

2. Start the Hive Server2 process.

3. This will start the hiveserver2 process as a foreground process. In order to stop the process , press Ctrl + C. If the process is to be started as background process , execute "./hive --service hiveservice2 &"

4. Start a new terminal.

5. Goto the hive installation path as mentioned in step 1.

6, If there is a metastore_db folder , go inside the same and remove all the *.lck files. This is required because default database derby supports only 1 connection. Recommended metastore db for production is mysql.

7. Start the beeline shell

8. The beeline shell will be started as shown above. Lets connect to the hiveserver2 process.

9. On executing "!connect jdbc:hive2://" command , user will be prompted for username and password. Just press enter to continue. As we are running both the beeline client and hiveserver2 process on the same node, we execute the command as "!connect jdbc:hive2://" . If the hiveserver2 process was running on the a different server , we would need to connect as "!connect jdbc:hive2://hostname:port". The default port for hiveserver2 process is 10000.

10. Lets display all the hive tables.

 11. Lets execute some queries against the tables.

12. In order to quit the beeline shell, execute "!quit" command

Hope this helps you to understand how to connect hiveserver2 process using beeline.

Sourabh Jain
Big Data & Analytics Architect

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